domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

We are Machines or Clouds?

Once, I heard someone compare the religious life with a gear, a machine full of screws, pulleys, levers, in a hardened perception and robotic. This thought reveals the degree more immature in the scale of spiritual understanding. Terms like soldiers, warriors, spiritual war are also frequently used by those who live the religion in this way – rigidity and discipline must be implacable, there is no space for flexibility. Loosen the reins to these people is dangerous, they are not secure enough in their convictions about to relax, they need a military scheme able to keep them in line. Often, they also act rigidly with their peers, trying to hide their failures behind the wall of seeming perfection.
In fact, a genuine religion, in its maturity, is more like a cloud driven by wind, the stream of a river, the seed sprouting on earth. It is a dance performed anywhere, anytime; imaginary song within the heart. There is no harshness, no piece of metal to be greased. The stiffness is gone, the patterns die and dogmas disappear. We left behind the robot soldiers and feel pleasure to be truly children of God.

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