terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

God Arises Where Your Search Ends

If you want, is because don’t have. If you search, is because don’t found. At the moment when the sincere search for God begins, immediately you find Him. The search ends at the place where starts. If there are still doubts, fears, ups and downs, is because the pursuit continues and only is possible look for what was not found. It’s another spiritual paradox.
But the search is better than stagnation. Nonetheless, the custom can cause a hardening. The habit of not having true spiritual success can lead to a formal religion, when you go to church every weekend without proving the spiritual peace – you continue carrying your guilt and regrets, forgetting that the burden should be light when the inner miracle happens really.

Your search needs to be true for it to finish once. God is much closer than you are allowing to see.

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