domingo, 5 de maio de 2013

Pain and pleasure

The paradox is the only existential rule. Escape it plunges the soul in conflict.
It is not possible enjoy good without experiencing evil. Emotional pain leads to spiritual pleasure. Accepting death open the way for the full life – opposites flirt, chat and live as two ends of the same energy. Good and evil, pleasure and pain, life and death are phenomena that lead to the acceptance of the whole in us, saving in the weight of duality. Want a totally happy life is so misleading as to allow yourself to be sunk in sadness. This world is made of ups and downs, calm and storm, heat and cold. Embrace the paradox makes us dock in tranquil harbor of God. In difficult moments or hours of joy will be rooted in contentment unscathed, like a flexible tree follows the wind changes. Summers and winters are received with the same gratitude, knowing that for the herb there is time to lose leaves and time to flourish.

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