terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

God Prefers Black Sheep

God prefer courageous people, those that exceed safety limits to know him from a particular truth. It's easy to stay in the pews like an automaton accepting whatever dogmas preach, following religious precepts coldly. Try the walk with your energy, jump the protective line, go beyond the comfort of the herd seeking understanding originated by your choices, lights a flame that only the authentic experience is capable of produce.
The example of the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7, clarifies that occur more celestial celebrations when someone strays and returns, than by those who never left their comfortable space of faith. The lost sheep walked through shady paths, felt on the skin the danger of the night, the absence of the pastor. When returns, like the prodigal son, her love is increased, because now understands the value of proximity to her caregiver - never be equal to the others because of her chosen bitterness comes the sweetness of redemption that strengthens her relationship with their savior.

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