quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

You Don't Worth Nothing

You cannot be defined by your profession. Cannot be limited by what you do. Its essence is more than that!
A strange phenomenon happens in this world, a plot stultifying. People are valued for their jobs, for their capacity to produce for the economic machine, basing their lives on the status and dollar signs – fictitious classes are created, separations legitimized, feeding a grotesque fantasy. Suffering and anxiety remain. It is necessary to be happy according to the booklet foreign production, diverting attention from the spiritual attainments, only way to achieve satisfaction. The personal world may be falling apart, as thousands are, but the important is to smile in front of others proclaiming the benefits of what you do and what you have.
Unfortunately you are just another cog in the gear. Don’t have value, can be replaced at any time. You're nobody! Your value is measured by your work. So, a vast majority of people stay desperately frustrated when older. The beauty is gone and the status does not matter, they cease to produce externally. Ostracism falls on their lives before seemingly glorious. This dark world appreciates material gains, thus the old people are despised. Ironically all get old. This is the great human despair.
The capitalist empty produces exactly this. You believe in his killer fallacy and in return receive abandonment. In fact the capitalist ego abandons people since the day they are born in this world. He works for a morbid energy. Want to keep you blind! The result of this project is a planet dying in decadence.
Your life does not need to follow this path. You are able to act differently, think for yourself. The difference starts with you! The spirits muddy in the ego mistakes don’t have any peace. Run the risk of losing on a road of no return.
Stop to accept the poor feed being offered. You worth a lot! There is a bright banquet at your fingertips, inside your soul – the divine spark able to burn all this garbage accumulated to delete your strength. The planet is striding towards a dramatic turnaround. I'm not being pessimistic. Facts communicate for those who want to understand! Seek the Wisdom. Put your soul in peace, harmonize your life. You will not regret!

“I will mock when calamity overtakes you – when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. Then you will call to me but I will not answer; you will look for me but will not find me. Since you hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. Since you would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke”. (Proverbs 1.27-30)   

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